Caitlin Pringle tells about herself
In de nieuwe seizoensgids van Duinwijck staat een aantal korte interviews met spelers en leden van het eerste team. De komende dagen presenteren we elke dag iemand: we beginnen met Caitlin Pringle.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
At what age did you start playing badminton?
What are your expectations and goals for this season?
This season I am starting to play some European Senior tournaments so I hope that I can play well in these and maybe win some good matches! I also hope that I get picked to play for Scotland in the Thomas and Uber cup and in the Commonwealth Games in 2014.
How would you liked to be cheered at while you are playing a match?
People can cheer as loud as they want haha!
What is your best performance as a badminton player?
I was 2nd in the Scottish National Championships at Ladies Doubles.
Did you received yellow or red cards as a badminton player, if yes, how many and why?
Not yet! Hopefully never...
Do you have siblings?
Yes I have 3 younger brothers!
What do you do besides playing badminton?
I go to university in Glasgow where I study Maths, Statistics and Accounts. I also do some badminton coaching.
What are your hobbies besides badminton?
I love travelling which I get to do while playing badminton. I also love just chilling with my best friends watching films and eating!What is your biggest dream besides badminton?
To marry a famous tennis player so I can travel the world watching tennis!
For what can we wake you in the middle of the night?
I am scared of dogs.
What kind of music do you like?
I like a lot of different types of music but I am obsessed with Beyonce!
If you could meet any person in the world, who would that be and why?
I would love to meet Simon Baker (The Mentalist) because he seems so cool and is also a very beautiful man, haha.
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