Dutch shuttlers Muskens and Piek withdraw from French Open quarter finals

Hey everyone, we have some good news and some bad news to mention. First we start with the good news of course ;-).
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
We took our revenge yesterday by beating Indians Ponnappa & Gutta in 2 sets. It wasn't a great match but with the right focus and working hard for every point we came out as winners.
That means that we made it to another quarterfinal in a super series event. It's something that we are really proud of achieving but as athletes, we always strive for more.
This is the part where the bad news is coming in. Unfortunately Eefje is having some troubles with her shoulder again. For those who know Eefje know that her shoulder is something she really needs to take care of.
Therefore we couldn't take the risk of making her pain worse by playing another tough match today. We have played a lot of matches lately and being in the middle of our Olympic qualification program with a lot more tournaments ahead of us, it only seemed the right decision to make.
It's never fun to withdraw from a tournament but our health is something what should come first. Thanks again everyone for the support!
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