Selena Piek off the tournament circuit till next year

Hey everyone, I have been taking some time off from social media as you may have noticed. Main reason for that was wanting to give myself mentally a break from badminton while focusing on recovering from my injury.
It has been pretty tough as the healing progress has been much slower than I would liked it to be... I'm very impatient and it took me a while to accept the seriousness of the injury. Therefore I won't be playing any more tournaments till the end of the year. Not an easy decision to make but my main focus lies 100% at being pain free again and getting back in shape for the upcoming season.
Of course I'm not doing completely nothing as I'm allowed to spend a little time on court 3 times a week. The other days are filled with alternative training methods like swimming (I even bought a swimsuit), biking, yoga and upper body gym sessions (female hulk in the making).
Thankfully I'm surrounded by a great medical staff and patient partners (Eefje & Jacco) who are taking good care of me.
Enjoy the weekend and good weather and I'll keep you guys posted about my rehab.
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