SUPERCUT of the Gayle Mahulette vs Soraya de Visch Eijbergen women's singles final
What happens when you take out all the typical pre-service and post-rally rituals and multiple displays of delay tactics you see in an average badminton match? Well... a 55 minute match is reduced to an effective 19.5 minutes of gameplay.
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The match itself is very much worthwile (re-)watching as both women's singles specialists are at the top of their respective games, neither have to cope with any type of injury and their physical fitness is A+.
This Dutch national championships women's singles final of 2018 is a true reflection of a literal and figurative 'level playing field' between Gayle Mahulette and Soraya de Visch Eijbergen, both enjoying equal opportunities to take the win when their quest for the title started.
Watch the full video to see how this story unfolded exactly one month ago!
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