
Imke van der Aar reflects on World Championships in China

Imke van der Aar reflects on World Championships in China

And the World Championships have come to an end for me. After playing a few really high [level] tournaments in Europe this year, it was now finally time to play in Asia!

Maak kennis met Liam Birahy!

These matches are so important to play and we can definitely learn a lot from it (how to play in such a big arena, dealing with the drift, playing against the better couples of the world).

So I'm really happy we won our first match with a good fighting spirit (which was already a match we can learn from a lot). And then the match against the numbers 10 of the World. In the beginning we were really struggling with the level. But in the second set, we stepped up our game and showed some good things on court and were almost able to take a set against them.

So I'm really happy that I managed to finance this trip with the help of a lot of people who donated on my crowndfunding. Because this was a tournament that showed me a lot of things that I have to work on and also gained a lot of experience which I definitely can use in the future.

So a big thanks to all the people who helped and believed in me!

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