Soraya de Visch Eijbergen: The last hours of 2019!

It's time to reflect back on this year. It has been one of the toughest years I have been going through.
Maak kennis met Esmeralda van Drunen!
It's been over a year since I moved to Switzerland and since then lots has changed. I learned some hard lessons but it brought me also so many beautiful things, new friends, learning a new language, training in another environment, making a whole new life and start from zero.
I could almost write a book about this year. Well It's been one hell of a year but hey I am still standing and still smiling! This year showed me how important it is to be surrounded by true friends and family. Looking forward to a fresh new start of 2020. I will always look for the good things in life and enjoy day by day and be grateful for the things I have.
Cheers on a new year with lots of love! And thanks to everyone who has been there for me from the beginning, thanks for bringing back my smile.
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