10 good reasons to join the world wide Solibad flashmob

10 good reasons to join the world wide Solibad flashmob

June 5th 2011 is Solibad Day. The first one. Solibad – Badminton without Borders is organizing a worldwide flashmob. More than 50 cities - also Amsterdam! - all around the world will join this event.


Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!

Here are some good reasons for you to join this special event, either by participating or even creating one in your own city. It's easy, cheap to organize, and it's for a good cause.

1. Because it's fun! Last year in Paris, for the first Badminton flashmob, participants enjoyed themselves while doing a common Badminton choreography. Before the event, with all the excitement building up to be part of something special, but also during the flashmob itself, and after for those who stayed on site and played badminton all together.

2. Because playing badminton in original places, in front of monuments of iconic places, isn't a common thing. Of course, it's outside and you might be bothered by the wind when you play, but it's quite unique!

3. Because this year, it's worldwide! Last year, Solibad had launched the idea in France, where 10 cities all over the country had participated. This year, it's spreading all over the world and more than 60 cities from 40 different countries have joined. London, Los Angeles, Singapore, Paris, Pune, Sydney, Copenhagen, Rio, Tel Aviv and many other places around the 5 continents will celebrate Solibad Day in style.

4. Because if there are lots of cities and lots of people everywhere, we may break a world record! According to Wikipedia, the world record for different cities is 25 different places. We will probably smash this record by far. Let's make it unique. Another record is likely to fall: the one of the highest Flashmobs ever, as the one done in Chamonix, France will be held at 3842 metres, facing Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the European Union.

5. Because thanks to your flashmob, you will raise interest for your sport in your country. This type of event is ideal to promote our sport. It's an ideal way to communicate and catch the interest of media which may not talk about badminton otherwise. This way, it's a win-win situation. You help to promote Solibad, but at the same time, you are promoting your sport in your area.

6. Because it is also a good way to spread out Solibad's message – that a whole community, all over the word, and through sport, can create something positive together, and that one can give a hand to children in the need and have fun at the same time.

7. Because it's unique in the world. To our knowledge, such a gathering for sport and charity at the same time in so many different places all around the world is a first.

8. Because it's "Solibad Day", the first one, and that it will become a tradition. And that it's worth making it stand. Tradition can be good, right?

9. Because the top stars will do it. From Peter Gade to Saina Nehwal and Koo Kien Keat, all top stars will be out to promote Solibad. And they are counting on you to join them!

10. Just because. There hasn't have to be a reason. You could just join or create a Flashmob because you feel like it! Or because I'm asking you to help. Not to make you feel guilty if you can't – I know that everyone is so busy – but if you don't join because you feel lazy, then, move your butt and join us. You will be glad you've participated in the event I'm sure. It's easy, fun, doesn't take too much of your time.

You might think that your participation or your own little flashmob may not make a difference; But I tell you what: it will ! It is with small bricks that big walls are built!

Join us!

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