The Jakarta Post: 'Taufik Hidayat bids farewell to pro badminton'

The Jakarta Post: 'Taufik Hidayat bids farewell to pro badminton'

Former world number one men’s badminton champion Taufik Hidayat made his final appearance at the Djarum Indonesia Open Super Series before heading into retirement.


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"I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me throughout my badminton career. I hope that Indonesian badminton will always go forward," he said to fans attending the final round of the Indonesia Open at the Istora Indoor Stadium, on Sunday.


Taufik, who has spent 25 of his 31 years playing professional badminton, said he hoped that he could dedicate the rest of his life to supporting his successors in the National Training Center (Pelatnas) and those who were still in amateur clubs.


“My retirement will hopefully contribute positively to the country’s badminton,” said Taufik.


Taufik went through his professional career for 17 years after making his debut in 1996.


Taufik was beaten 15-21, 21-12, 21-17 by unseeded B.Sai Praneeth of India during the first round of the Indonesia Open, on Wednesday.


During his farewell speech, Taufik also thanked his parents, his wife Ami Gumelar – who is the daughter of politician and sportsman Agum Gumelar and Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Linda Gumelar – and his children, his management team, as well as Pak Mulyo, who he described as his loyal coach who had trained him throughout his professional career.


“I’d also like to thank Pak Gita [Wirjawan] who has supported me and taught me about how to serve my life as an athlete" said the 2004 Olympic gold medalist.

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