
Lin Dan's genius is that he makes the game look easy

Lin Dan's genius is that he makes the game look easy

A lot of things cannot be explained when it comes to Lin Dan. As his fans will tell you, it's simply 'Lin'sane!


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He walks on the court with the majesty of a tiger. He has the attitude of a dragon – and the fire spewing is in form of his incredible smashes. He has the control of an archer with his precise strokes. His court craft akin to a chess grandmaster. His explosiveness like fireworks with leaps in the air resulting in varied, beautiful stroke designs. But 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' cliches aside, this guy is just too good.

If a lay man were to watch him play, he would probably think that this sport is quite easy. After all, he walks even during the rallies (even as his opponents are scrambling). It seems like he has all the time in the world to weigh his options, select and then execute his shots. He's rarely out of breath even after playing for 90 minutes and through the match, he rarely makes unforced errors. It seems effortless. Easy.

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