9 health benefits of playing badminton which will make you quit the gym and take up the sport

9 health benefits of playing badminton which will make you quit the gym and take up the sport

In recent times, Badminton has become quite popular among people of all ages. It is fun and easy to play with or without a court.


Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!

So, here are some health benefits of playing badminton daily which will make you quit your expensive gym and clubs and force you to take up this fun and effective sport.

1. The Easiest Way To Reduce Weight

Playing Badminton for an hour helps in burning 480 Calories (the highest among all sports) and if you make a habit of it then you can lose a bare minimum of 4 Kgs within a month. Badminton as a sport is very exhausting and makes use of almost every muscle in the body, while running for the same amount of time burns half the calories.

2. Helps In Muscle Toning And Maintaining Your Physique

Be it a smash or a drop, every shot in Badminton is a mini figure-toning workout. So, if want to cut down all the flab around your waist before prepping those abs, then half an hour of this game daily is sufficient to achieve the results. It is great for Calves, butt, quads and hamstrings.

3. Improves Your Metabolism Rate

Badminton helps in improving the cardio-pulmonary function which in layman terms means that it makes your body habitual of sweating naturally. The toxins leave the body through heavy sweating and make you feel light headed and burden free.

4. Perks Up Reflexes, Intelligence And Productivity

Practising the sport makes you more alert and helps you concentrate on the work at hand. It makes you more agile and develops strength to endure physical stress.

5. Helps In Achieving Optimum Heart Function

Often the walls of our heart get clogged due to high levels of Cholesterol. Badminton strengthens the heart muscles and even people with pre-existing heart condition can benefit with proper medical supervision.

6. Increases The Bone Density And Makes You Stronger

Playing badminton helps in the growth of those cells which form bones and help in accumulating the calcium matrix which strengthens the overall physical appearance.

7. Decreases The Chances Of Getting Diabetes

Badminton helps in getting enough physical activity within an hour to decrease the blood sugar levels. It decreases the overall production of sugar by the liver and which makes you less susceptible to diseases.

8. It's A Definite Cure For Hypertension

Reducing the effects of hypertension without medical drugs is a hassle as the patient becomes addicted to those drugs. Badminton lowers the blood pressure and produces chemicals which counter the drug's addictive properties.

9. Improves Lung Function

Badminton improves lung function quite significantly and helps in reducing the dependence on nasal sprays for snoring while sleeping.

Bijscholingen voor badmintontrainers

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