Who wants to take an ice cold bath with Dutch doubles enthusiast Jelle Maas?

Who wants to take an ice cold bath with Dutch doubles enthusiast Jelle Maas?

The World Championships in Jakarta are getting closer and closer. It's going to be a spectacle in Istora Senayan, you can be sure of that.


Ken je PBC Boomgaardshoek al?

The last few weeks we have been practicing super hard. It's nice to be home a few weeks in a row and fully focus on training. We started with heavy practice, which means hard and long multi sessions, lot of sets with heavy weights in the gym and the bootcamps we did were one of the most intents workouts I have ever had.

To get trough all the hard practice you have to do whatever you can to take care of your body. Eat, sleep, rest, stretch and frequent massages. Jelle and I also tried to speed up recovery by going in an ice bath. A 6 to 10 degrees Celsius bath for 10 minutes. This isn't pleasant, quite painful actually. But we try to do whatever to get trough the weeks as well as we can! I will force Selena next time to come also, let's see how she handles the cold, haha!

Read the rest of this article on Jacco Arends' facebook.

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