Wilson International and OroDenmark: where vision and quality come together

Wilson International and OroDenmark: where vision and quality come together

International badminton camp OroDenmark and renowned racket sports company Wilson International have signed a sponsorship agreement. This is the result of a long-time co-creation process of two years, in which new products were developed for Wilson.


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Wilson will start by sponsoring the summer camps. This support makes it possible to keep the summer camps accessible and affordable to all. With 14 players and 7 coaches combined with top quality sports materials, it's clear that costs can run very high. The dedication that Wilson brings to OroDenmark will help out tremendously.

The OroDenmark philosophy

The international badminton brand believes in the philosophy that we have here at OroDenmark. You can only get quality by having personal training all the time. That is why Wilson will also sponsor our coaches and will try to find the new talent players they are looking for to play for Wilson in the future. "Players who choose to invest in themselves are also the players we want to have work with us", says Wilson European Director Mr. Peter Aigner.

He has personally visited OroDenmark to talk about this special co-operation. Our common passion for trying to do the very best for the sport is what has brought us together. The quality of working and thinking is something we want the Wilson name to be connected with.


In the Wilson organization we know that talent needs time to develop. That is why we want to invest in young players with passion and the last couple of years we have seen that in Denmark and specially at OroDenmark you can find that passion. Players who come to OroDenmark year after year are the type of players which we are looking for and we will help them on their way to the next level.

The sponsor game within badminton has changed and if you want commitment from your sponsor you have to show commitment as a player too. We are not going to sponsor players who change brands every one or two years. That is also why it took more than two years to come to the sponsorship deal between Wilson and OroDenmark. We are happy to officially commence and further our collaboration and look forward to what's to come next.

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