Debora Jille and Alyssa Tirtosentono in historic quarter final

Beforehand it might seem a bit of a surprise that Jille and Tirtosentono have made it to the quarter finals, but they already beat the seventh seeded Thai pair Pauwsapran / Sudjaipraparat before during the team matches.
"We already knew how they played and had a good tactic for the game. So staying calm and following the tactics was the plan. And it worked!", Jille commented to Badminton Europe after her match.
Also the day before Jille and Tirtosentono had a solid plan against thirtheenth seeded Japanese pair Iwanga / Saito. Earlier this year Jille and Tirtosentono also faced this pair during the Dutch Junior and lost. "Before the match we watched videos of them and prepared the tactics. It also helped that we played on that court three times before", Jille stated. But sticking to the plan despite the circumstances is what made them proceed to the next round, surviving three set points. And surviving the next round is also what brings Jille and Tirtosento into the quarter finals.
In the quarter final they will face second seeded Korean pair Baek and Lee. "We will do everything to go home with a medal! But we already reached a historic quarterfinal.", Jille commented.
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