The Clemens Wortel OroDenmark Scholarship

On OroDenmark we have the tradition to help players and coaches who have talent for badminton but do not have the right conditions to develop themselves in their own country. We're formally introducing a scholarship for these players and coaches.
Maak kennis met Meare van Dalm!
For years we have been looking to give this scholarship a name and make it more official. We now can announce that we have found the person who has given us permission to use his name for the Scholarship of International Badminton Education.
From now on it will be called the Clemens Wortel OroDenmark Scholarship. I'm very happy to say that Clemens has agreed to lend his name to this scholarship. Clemens has been a promotor of the badminton sport all his life. He currently is the president of the Dutch Badminton Federation and serves as committee member of the Word Badminton Federation (BWF), but most of all he is a good friend.
The first two persons have already been offered help in their development: Anja Velemir from Serbia and Enukey Yirga from Ethiopia.
It is possible to get a free scholarship or one at a reduced price for a shorter or longer time. We will also be working together with companies who have the same philosophy as we have on OroDenmark. This way we can help players, coaches or even countries to develop in our wonderful sport of badminton.
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