Hans-Kristian Vittinghus announces end of Carlton Badminton brand ambassadorship
It is the final day of 2017, which means this is also my last day as a brand ambassador for Carlton Sports!
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
Carlton showed a lot of faith in me when they first started supporting me back in the summer of 2011 - and they have continued to do so through the past 6 years.
I am forever grateful for the support they have given me. They helped make it possible for me to break through at the highest level. And we have shared some great moments together!
So this final post of 2017 is dedicated to say thank you to Carlton and everyone I worked with who are (or have been) involved with the company. It’s been a pleasure!
I wish Carlton all the best for the future. Now it’s time to move on.
Bring on 2018!
Happy New Year everyone!
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