Alternative footwork towards the rear court forehand corner

Alternative footwork towards the rear court forehand corner

The footwork used by most players to get towards the rear court forehand (FH) corner is when we let the shuttle pass us and we hit the shuttle from behind our body.

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This footwork always puts you in a defensive situation and you are very limited in options for where you want or even can play the shuttle. It'll be long line in 95% of all situations.

The alternative that trainer and coach Huynh shows in this video is all about getting in the flying line (also know as 'flight corridor') of the shuttle and making sure you get under the shuttle in order to make a scissorjump with half or whole body rotation (half for longline and whole for cross strokes). With this simple footwork you can change your defensive situation into an offensive one.

When you look at the video you see that Huynh starts with a split step (hyperflexion jump). Then she steps front over with her left leg towards the FH sideline. Her right foot moves a step backwards and now she is in the position to make the scissor jump. She makes a half body rotation because she wants to play longline. (If you play cross you just make your body rotation longer so you come in the right position to start running and follow the shuttle cross).

You can see that Huynh plays the shuttle cross even when there is no shuttle at all due to the direction she is running in and the position she chooses on court (as in: not in the middle).

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