Title defender Georgy van Soerland-Trouerbach: Nice to meet everyone again
Only 2 days remaining for the European Senior Championships in Guadelajara Spain. This has been the biggest event of Badminton Europe so far with more than a thousand players who will be welcomed.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
What makes this event so special is that you will see a lot of familiar faces of former international players. One of these players is Georgy van Soerland-Trouerbach (The Netherlands) who is even more dominant at the senior field. At the ESC of 2016 she won the women's singles and women's doubles in the 40+ category and in 2015 she even became the 40+ world champion!
"Actually my main goal is to survive this week with all parts of my body, as I am a little injured. Luckily I don't immediately have to play on the first day.Of course I hope to defend my titles, also with my partners Esther (Fleurbaay) and Gerben (Bruijstens).
However, competing is more important that winning, but winning is very nice!
Read the remainder of this article on the website of Badminton Europe.
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