Imke van der Aar and Debora Jille split up as badmintonpair
Both Imke van der Aar and Debora Jille shared Instagram-posts looking back at their experiences as a doubles pair. Debora will team up with Alyssa Tirtosentono and Imke will shift her focus to mixed doubles with Ruben Jille.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
Imke van der Aar shares:
After playing around 5/6 years with each other, winning tournaments together in the youth, playing finals in the senior circuit, qualifying for the World Championships in China and getting a quarterfinal at our first European Championships it's time to say goodbye to this partnership.
Debby I'll going to miss you by my side on court and sharing all those rooms together (lost counting over the years) I wish you all the best with your new partnership.
Sometimes there are choices made for you, even you don't always like the outcome, but still have to take... And this is one of them
I'll still keep on training the ladiesdouble, but for the upcoming period my main focus will going to be the mixeddoubles!
Debora Jille adds from her perspective:
Would like to say a big thank you to Imke for the past 5 years - We might have had some awkward silences in the beginning, but that disappeared over the years and turned our partnership into a great friendship too. Thanks for the countless shared rooms, cups of coffee and hours on court. Time to close this book, but looking forward opening a new one with @alyssa_tirto
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