Stoeva Sisters break with Bulgarian badminton?

Stoeva Sisters break with Bulgarian badminton?

It was very tough months for us... we were working so hard to make something for us, for the badminton in Bulgaria but we just can't do it any more.


Maak kennis met Joran Kweekel!

We make very big decision and that's why we won't play at the European Games, World Championships and why we will not participate at the Olympics qualification...

We have a lot of problems with our federation and we can't handle someone who steals from us, to take everything which we earn by making results and try to build it for our future and in the end they just decide to give to other players when we kick our ass every single day for it...

We had try to make it work in past year but we cannot do this anymore! This is our job our life and we need to think for our future and how to make it better for us. Maybe someone will say that we are traitors or that we do this for money that we abandon our country but it is not.

We will be always Bulgarians

And we will always love this country and she will be always our home and we will always be thankful for all of you who is supporting us but all of you need to understand that was the hardest decisions for us and was this or to quit the badminton!

What you will do? Thank you for all support to all of you hope you can understand us!

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