What is Line Kjaersfeldt's (desired) special superpower!?

What is Line Kjaersfeldt's (desired) special superpower!?

Line Kjaersfeldt is one of Denmark's leading ladies in the singles discipline. In a candid interview she shares her breakfast habits, who is her favorite badminton player and readers will find out what musical instrument she'd like to master beside the strings of her Victor badmintonracket.

Maak kennis met Mahi Goyat!

1. What is your name?

My name is Line Højmark Kjærsfeldt.

2. How old are you?

I'm 26 years old.

3. Where do you live?

I live in Valby, Copenhagen.

4. Do you have any brothers and sisters?

Yes I have a little sister. Emma, she is 23 years old.

5. When did you start playing badminton?

I started to play badminton when I was 8 years old.

6. Which racket do you play with at the moment?

I play with the Victor TK-F.

7. Why do you like the single game?

I like the single game because you are alone and have to handle all difficulties yourself. When you win or loose you can only blame yourself.

8. What is you favourite tournament on the BWF circuit?

I like to play in Jakarta and at the All England.

9. What do you eat for breakfast?

Oatmeal with fruit and muesli.

10. Who is your favorite world badminton player?

Tai Tzu Ying.

11. Which musical instrument would you like to play?

I would like to play the drums.

12. Which TV series do you watch at the moment?

A Danish one called The Bridge and Grey's Anatomy.

13. What superpower would you like to have?

The superpower to be super fast!

14. Do you have any hobbies other than badminton?

I am a dietist and help people with that.

15. Which historical event would you have liked to see with your own eyes?

Tough one, a lot I think. I always wanted to watch a Wimbledon final in men's singles.

16. What was your most impressive win on the BWF circuit and agaist whom?

I won against world no. 1 Chen Yufei in Jakarta at the DAIHATSU Indonesia Masters.

17. Against which player do you want to play a match that you didn't play yet?

That I dont know actually.

18. Flæskesteg or gravad laks?

Gravad laks for sure, not a big fan of flæskesteg.

19. What kind of music do you like?

I like pop. I just listen to what I want. All kind of numbers.

20. How do you prefer to relax?

I like to relax with a good serie, movie or with friends.

21. What was an unforgettable day?

A lot of moments in my life have been unforgettable. Especially with friends, family and with badminton.

22. What is your favorite dessert?

I cannot tell, I like all sweets! So it depends on what mood I am in and what I feel for.

23. Which badmintonstring do you use and with how much tension?

I use the Victor VBS- 68 at tension 13,5-14kg.

24. Do you have any advice for our club?

Enjoy playing badminton. Have fun and believe in yourself. Help eachother as much as you can, that always makes everyone better.

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