Ties van der Lecq: Ruben Jille and me have split up

What began as an adventure has ended after the European Games 2023. 5 years ago I joined the national team as a junior player and 1 year later Ruben became my doubles partner.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
For me, this was a huge chance to grow as a player and to chase the goals that I had.
For the past 4 years as a MD pair, you've had a giant impact on my development. I am very glad I could learn from someone like you. Also, I am very proud of some results we achieved, especially our Super 100 victory and the EC bronze. I will never forget these experiences and I am very thankful for the times we spent on and off court together. I wish the best of luck to you for future challenges, thank you Ruben.
I will continue to compete and try to develop more with other partners the upcoming period.
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