A successful afternoon with motivated coaches

Ron Daniels (links) met zijn assistenten van de dag.
The seminar for the Dutch coach education is done. I think it was very nice to do and the reactions where positive, because already 10 min after I finished the seminar, the VBO asked me if I would do another one in 2011.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
I will do that because I have promised SOLIBAD that I would do one very year and send the donation to them.
I was very happy to hear that some of the coaches that where at the seminar told me that they will send money to Solibad too and I will naturaly also ask Raphaël Sachetat from Solibad whether the money has come into the bank. I also believe that all the people liked the idea to do something like this just as much has I did.
Special thanks go out to everyone that will send a contribution for downloading the text of the seminar or those who will give a normal contribution. Furthermore, I would like to thank Joris, René and Roel for helping me out with this big group of coaches. I would like to especially thank FZ FORZA for making the extremely nice polos with SOLIBAD on the back. It may also be good to know that everyone can order this polo from FZ FORZA with the text SOLIBAD on the back and all proceeds will go to SOLIBAD. Just send an email to info@fzforza.nl and they will take care of it.
Reactions about the seminar are very much welcome. So when I send this article to SOLIBAD to be placed on their website it can work as an inspiration to other countries.
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