
Top class field heading to Leuven

Top class field heading to Leuven

Two weeks into the new badminton season and the circuit shifts into another gear for the first post Olympics International Challenge rated tournament of the season.


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Many of Europe’s top tour athletes emerge from the summer recess to make their circuit debut with a trip to arguably one of Europe’s best tournaments in the picturesque University town of Leuven just south of Brussels.

The 2012 Yonex Belgian International has always had the reputation as one of the most prestigious and best organised tour events on the European circuit and judging by the extensive entry list for this year’s edition things have certainly not changed. Not only is the quality of the main draw as good as could have been possibly hoped for but each of the five disciplines has a full and complete entry list in qualification which serves as a guide to the popularity of the event. One thing we are assured of in Leuven this week is a full complement of new champions after the hectic Olympic qualification of last year.

In the men’s singles reigning champion Brice Leverdez has made the trip to China for the China master but queuing up behind him are a host of top class shuttlers with one of any ten players being in with a real shout of lifting the title.

Lees het hele artikel op de website van Badminton Europe.

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