
Justin Teeuwen: A Dutch singles star in the making

Justin Teeuwen: A Dutch singles star in the making

The first full day of the 2013 European Junior Championships individual event in Ankara provided few upsets as all the major protagonists advanced through the first round of 128 with little or no trouble.


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What the first day of the individual event did offer though was a glimpse of some stars of the future as they emerged from the comfort and security of the team surrounds into the battlefield of the individual tournament.

Coming into the tournament the major discussion took place around the destination of the women's singles title as after the first days play there is still little to change the opinion that players of the calibre of Yigit, Kjærsfeldt, Rhode, Lansac and Madsen will all feature. What we were not too sure about was the quality of the men's singles draw and after today's play two names in particular will be thrown into the hat as potential threats to the podium and more so potential stars of the future.

17 year old Dutch youngster Justin Teeuwen is one of those that caught the eye today and even had the Danish coaches looking on and nodding as if to justify his talent. Some of them even went as far as comparing him to the great Taufik Hidayat of Indonesia not only in looks and appearance on court but with a back hand to die for.

Teeuwen took down Turk Enis Sesalan in two straight sets and the points he gave away were more to do with tactical and mental naivety than the good play of his opponent.

The core skills and technique are there in abundance and this coupled with the 'X' factor flair that he oozes the young Dutch certainly has the world at his feet. The future of singles may just have a chance to shine in The Netherlands after all.

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