Selena en Eefje: Thanks for all the messages and support, it's been great!

Really really disappointed and not happy with ourselves right now! We couldn't manage to win our match this evening, which meant we lost the team match with 1-3.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
We became 14th this tournament, a 13th place was the highest possible for us. We just got back in the hotel and talked about our match of course.
It was simply not good enough, too many easy mistakes and we didn't dare to step up as much as we needed to. We even had 2 match points in the second set but couldn't finish it. Unbelievable!
This is the end of this tournament and next up will be Australia and Indonesia.
Tomorrow we will fly to Melbourne and we will be picked up in 6 hours from now! Time to pack our bags and go to bed for hopefully 4-5 hours of sleep!
We are really looking forward to go to Melbourne, we both have never been to Australia before. We will keep you updated. Thanks for all the messages and support, it's been great!!
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