Pay it forward: sign up for a free spot at the OroDenmark summercamp
If there is something that is still in the back of my head everyday in Denmark, then it is the chance that was given to me. Even if my family doesn't have money and we can't pay to do the coach education.
Maak kennis met Luuk Vingerhoed!
People on OroDenmark have been helping me in every way possible, after Ron Daniëls asked me to come over to Denmark. I believe in karma and this has happened to me because of something I don't understand. But I do know that I want to do and give something back.
Now that I'm one of the coaches of the OroDenmark International Badminton Camp, it is my wish that people in Europe - who do not have the resources to come to a summer camp like this - can come anyway.
If you have a badminton player in your family, club or surrounding, you can send an mail to this website about it. We will give one player a chance to come to OroDenmark as my guest.
Duong Nhut Huynh
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