
Tag: huynh nhut duong

Dit is een overzicht van de meest recente artikelen met de tag 'huynh nhut duong'.

Only 14 days left at the OroDenmark summercamp!

Only 14 days left at the OroDenmark summercamp!

Everybody at the camp can feel it in their own body that this year summercamp is more professional than ever before. What did we…

8 augustus 2015

Pay it forward: sign up for a free spot at the OroDenmark summercamp

Pay it forward: sign up for a free spot at the OroDenmark summercamp

If there is something that is still in the back of my head everyday in Denmark, then it is the chance that was given to me. Even…

29 juni 2015

Back in Vietnam

Back in Vietnam

I'm back in my home town and took a look at the building of the house we started on a couple years ago.

3 mei 2015

Huynh Nhut Duong geslaagd voor International Coach Education Program in Denemarken

Huynh Nhut Duong geslaagd voor International Coach Education Program in Denemarken

Het eerste diploma van het International Coach Education Program is uitgereikt door DGI Badminton consulant Kasper Pedersen aan…

18 april 2015

Old myths of badminton training

Old myths of badminton training

It is well known that the development in the badminton sport has been going very fast. When you look at some old clips of only 30…

11 april 2015

The difference in thinking

The difference in thinking

I have now been playing, living and coaching in Denmark for more than one year and start to understand more and more about the…

19 maart 2015

Predictable badminton reviewed

Predictable badminton reviewed

Last year I started in Belgium at the camp of Roel Van Heuckelom with instructions for coaches about the subject of service and…

28 februari 2015 op YouTube

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