
Soraya de Visch Eijbergen plays Ya Lan Chan in first round Irish Open 2015

Soraya de Visch Eijbergen plays Ya Lan Chan in first round Irish Open 2015

About a week ago I learned that my performance at the Scottish Open Grand Prix 2015 (reaching a quarter final) had put me into the 56th spot on the BWF World Ranking.


Maak kennis met Jaymie Laurens!

After a few prior weeks without tournaments, that news came to my door like a very welcome Christmas carol.

This Wednesday I will be flying off to Dublin, Ireland to compete in the Irish Open 2015. In this year's seeded entries list I have placed 8th with Germany's Karin Schnaase as first seed. ( My match overview: )

I will play Chang Ya-Lan from Taiwan (WR234) and some of you may remember her as VELO-player in the Dutch premier league from two years ago. Ya Lan is six years my senior and our head-to-head reads 0-1 in my advantage. Thursday in Dublin is a new time and place to see who'll come out victorious, I am ready to bring out the Dutch lioness in me :-)

Soraya de Visch Eijbergen reaches WR56 and competes in the Iri...

About a week ago I learned that my performance at the Scottish Open Grand Prix 2015 (reaching a quarter final) had put me into the 56th spot on the BWF — Badminton World Federation World Ranking. After a few prior weeks without tournaments, that news came to my door like a very welcome Christmas carol.This Wednesday I will be flying off to Dublin, Ireland to compete in the Irish Open 2015. In this year's seeded entries list I have placed 8th with Germany's Karin Schnaase as first seed. ( My match overview: )I will play Chang Ya-Lan from Taiwan (WR234) and some of you may remember her as VELO-player in the Dutch premier league from two years ago. Ya Lan is six years my senior and our head-to-head reads 0-1 in my advantage. Thursday in Dublin is a new time and place to see who'll come out victorious, I am ready to bring out the Dutch lioness in me :-)If you don't already, I invite you to follow me on and I regularly share short updates and pictures over there. Have a great Tuesday and stay tuned!

Posted by Soraya de Visch Eijbergen on dinsdag 1 december 2015

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