Iris Tabeling: the German Open 2016 came to an end
I started Tuesday with my mix and we did not play our best game out there. We delivered a good second game, but with one good game you cant win a match so it was not enough.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
On Wednesday i started with doubles against a Danish pair. I played a good game, Sam was a bit nervous in the beginning but we managed to win in two sets!
In the second round we faced a Chinese pair with former world nr 1 Jinhua Tang, paired up with Yaqiong Huang. We knew it was going to be tough, so we had to be ready every shot. And actually we came out on fire. Played a very solid first set with chances to win (20-18 lead), but we couldn't made the setpoints. In the second game we started fresh again but after a 13-10 lead the Chinese showed some class and we became a bit afraid to play our game. We lost 22-20 and 21-14.
We can look back at a good result against this strong Chinese players, but of course I'm still a bit disappointed we couldn't win the first and stay on our high level the last half set.
Tomorrow back to practice and preparing again as the All England is waiting for us next week, where we face the Indian pair Jwalla/Ponnappa in the first round on Wednesday in doubles!
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