Soraya de Visch Eijbergen about her recovery: patience is key

Soraya de Visch Eijbergen about her recovery: patience is key

In the words of American singer Leann Rhimes: here's my sign of life.


Maak kennis met Noah Haase!

It's been well over a month since I last updated you guys about my recovery process. Somewhere last year I told you I am a creature of habit. So dealing with such a shift in daily routine is challenging, even beyond the physical adjustments I have had to make.

At the moment there's little to tell about the recovery itself, other than that it's difficult to objectively say it's going 'fast enough'. Patience is key.

I appreciate it that I am being allowed and that I can allow myself to take some time and space while I work on my recovery. Thank you for that.

Coaching at Junior OLVE Tournament

My friend and well-known badminton photographer Alex van Zaanen invited me to join him as a coach for TVZ during the Junior OLVE Tournament in Edegem, Belgium. I felt it could be a great way to be actively involved in my sports in a very positive way. And, as many of you may know, I absolutely love working with kids.

While I may have underestimated the energy it takes to coach at that many matches in a day, it's given me lots and lots of positive energy in return. I loved it, so thanks for the invite Alex!

Relaxing with Rituals

Back when I won the Dutch National Championship in women's singles in early February, Rituals Cosmetics surprised me with a really nice giftbox. I already loved their products. "Unleash your inner beauty" Thank you Rituals!

Bijscholingen voor badmintontrainers

Behoud je certificering en leer de nieuwste trainingsmethoden! Het begint bij de VBO: Vereniging Badminton Oefenmeesters. Leer meer door op het logo te klikken!

Reacties op YouTube

We plaatsen regelmatig mooie badmintonrally's, knappe trickshots, volledige wedstrijden en meer. Volg ons door op het logo te klikken!

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Vond je dit leuk om te lezen?

Dan hebben we jouw hulp nodig! We werken 365 dagen per jaar aan artikelen, foto's en video's over je favoriete sport én de Nederlandse topbadmintonners. Al vanaf €0,01 kun je steunen en het kost slechts een minuutje van je tijd. Dank je voor je hulp!