Badminton World Federation gaat opnieuw experimentele puntentelling testen
Op 13 april jl. heeft de Badminton World Federation (BWF) een memo gestuurd aan alle nationale badmintonbonden, waarin staat dat er van september 2016 tot en met december 2017 voor de derde keer getest zal gaan worden met het experimentele scoresysteem en toernooiorganisaties worden uitgenodigd om aan het testen mee te doen.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
Uiterlijk 30 juni 2016 dient aangegeven te worden of de toernooiorganisaties willen meedoen en of zij dan voor optie 1 of 2 kiezen. BWF zal de ervaringen van de betrokkenen bij de evenementen, zoals spelers, bezoekers en wedstrijdfunctionarissen verzamelen en meenemen bij het definitieve besluit over het nieuwe scoresysteem.
Uit de memo van de BWF
BWF tested experimental scoring systems in two separate periods from August to October 2014, and from February to April 2015 with this last trial period including the testing of two different setting options. Match data and stakeholder feedback was collected from both testing periods, analyzed, and considered by BWF Council.
At its meeting in May 2015, BWF Council agreed to a third period of testing from September 2016 through to 31 December 2017. Analysis from tournaments played to September 2017 will be considered by Council at its meeting in October/November 2017 and further analysis from tournaments played October to December 2017 will be considered in the analysis provided to the AGM in May 2018.
A proposal could be presented to the membership at the Annual General Meeting in May 2018.
BWF would like to invite all Level 3 BWF Grand Prix, all BWF Level 4, and all international sanctioned junior tournaments taking place between September 2016 and 31 December 2017, to test options for a new scoring system played with 'best of five games of 11 points' with one of the following formats for setting:
1. Setting to a maximum of 15 points; or
2. A three-point decider if the score reaches 10-all.
There will only be a one-minute break between games.
Setting Option 1 - At 10-all, the player/pair wins the game when a two point lead is achieved, or first to 15 when the score reaches 14-all.
Setting Option 2 - At 10-all, a 3 points challenge will be played where the first player/pair to score three points wins the game. The score for that game would be displayed as 11-10 (3-2), 11-10 (3-1), or 11-10 (3-0).
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