Iris Tabeling: back to work!

Iris Tabeling: back to work!

And the holiday is already over! These 2,5 weeks has been flying by, but thats always the thing when you are having a good time ;-)

Maak kennis met Florine Wille!

And a good time I had for sure, I have been very busy, but only with nice things. The first week I also still worked a bit at the artificial grassmat company, but O also met with friends and family, and had a lovely day at the wellness.

The second week I was the coordinator for badminton at the Olympic Experience at the beach in Schevenigen. There for sure I had a great time. So many people who wanted to play or learn to play badminton, who watched it on tv during the Olympics and asked me all kinds of questions about our sport. I really loved being part of this and i think it was a huge success. I hope we get some extra people playing badminton out of this, that would be even greater.

So many kids who could not get enough of playing, even when I asked them to make some space for the next in line, they left but went straight back in the line to go another round! Nice to see!

And now the new season has started, yesterday I started my practise again and I am already full with muscle pain today. Some things will never change I guess! I will play a tournament in Holland this weekend with Ilse Vaessen and Mark Caljouw, to start up again and get a bit of match rhythm before my first international tournament will start (Belgian International).

I'm also happy to tell that I will stay in Trittau, Germany, for the clubmatches another season. I will be teamcaptain this year, so im looking forward to the new season which will start on the 10th of september. And last but not least I'm also happy to tell that my contract with Yonex is extended another year, and also CBA will still be my sponsor. I am very grateful for that, cause without them it would be really hard to do what I'm doing right now. So thanks a lot for keeping faith in me!

This post ended up a lot longer than I expected haha, so I will close it up now, hope you will keep following me in the new season, I will for sure keep you posted :-)

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