
Dian Bos announced as winner of BWF World Championship design competition

Dian Bos announced as winner of BWF World Championship design competition

Today Dian Bos, from Veendam in the Netherlands, was announced as the winner of the BWF Badminton World Championships commemorative medal design competition.


Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!

Dian's winning design will be struck into five four-inch circular medals in precious metal by Alexander Kirkwood & Son, a 190-year-old Scottish family business and Scotland's sole surviving medallist. During the World Championships, representatives of the Badminton World Federation, Glasgow City Council, EventScotland, UK Sport and title sponsors, TOTAL, will receive an original medal. All of the volunteers who are working at the event will receive a smaller replica of the original medal.

Dian's entry was selected as the winning design from a pool of over 100 individual entries. Scottish schools were well represented, with the majority of entries submitted from within the Glasgow area. However, there was also an international element to the competition, with submissions coming from countries across Europe. In the end, it was the 19–year old badminton enthusiast's design which the judges felt best demonstrated the international flair and inclusive ethos of the Badminton World Championships. The design features two hands - representing the teamwork required to deliver a World Championships - around a badminton shuttlecock, created from a series of interlinking Celtic knots to represent the World Championships returning to Scotland. These elements are positioned over a globe showing lines of latitude and longitude, in a nod to the international nature of the event.

Dian, on finding out that she had won the competition, said: "I really didn't expect to win, and knowing that there were more than 100 entries it's even more unbelievable that I have actually won. Going to Glasgow to experience the world championships, with VIP status, will be a great experience as I can watch some of my badminton heroes from up close. The fact that my design will be handed over to so many amazing people is just great. I can't wait till August!"

Anne Smillie, CEO BADMINTONscotland, said: "We felt that Dian's outstanding design represented the spirit of the event better than any of the other entries and as such was an obvious choice for the BWF World Championships commemorative medal. The World Championships will be a fantastic occasion and we are always happy to give exceptionally talented young people the chance to contribute to the overall event where we can. We are looking forward to welcoming Dian, and everyone else to Glasgow."

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