Soraya de Visch Eijbergen transplanting herself to Swiss national team in Thalmatt

Soraya de Visch Eijbergen transplanting herself to Swiss national team in Thalmatt

Dear all, I want to inform you all about my departure from The Netherlands for private reasons. My near future will start in Switzerland where I will keep on chasing my badminton dreams.


Maak kennis met Alyssa Tirtosentono!

My departure from The Netherlands will also mean my departure from the Dutch National Team. The Badminton Federation respects my choice and I am happy with that.

I expect to meet you all in The Netherlands regularly in the future, at least during the international tournaments in The Netherlands. As my Family is very important to me, I will often be in The Netherlands. I believe that if you close a door somewhere else a door will open for new chances and opportunities.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me the last few years and I hope to count on your support in the future. For now it is a goodbye from The Netherlands, but it is not a goodbye from you all. From Switzerland, where I will have my home base, I will pursue my badminton career and I look into the future with confidence.

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