
Wessel van der Aar: All things come to an end!

Wessel van der Aar: All things come to an end!

Some maybe sooner than you wanted to.. After struggling with my body for a long time now already and 1 hip surgery down the road which didn't bring what I hoped for. I've decided to stop at the national center and my pursuit of trying to belong to the best badminton players in the world.

Maak kennis met Luuk Vingerhoed!

I wish all my friends at the center the best and hope they do get a chance to become world class players.

But don't worry this isn't the end of me as a badminton player. I will continue to play badminton and try to improve myself but on my own conditions and having my body as the top priority. And you'll still see me playing in the national league and who knows maybe some other leagues as well.

Also a big thanks to everyone who always made sure the tournaments were a lot of fun!

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