Tag: quarter final
Dit is een overzicht van de meest recente artikelen met de tag 'quarter final'.
Selena Piek left empty handed in Bangkok
Unfortunately no winning selfie this time as we lost our match today. We got outplayed by a very well playing Thai pair, leaving…
12 januari 2018
Irish Tabeling unhappy with line-call that might have cost her semi-final in Dublin
It's always painful to lose, but to lose like yesterday made it even more painful.
10 december 2016
Rio 2016: Eefje Muskens en Selena Piek klaar voor kwartfinale #muspie
Vandaag om 13.30 uur (Nederlandse tijd) beginnen Eefje en Selena in het Barra Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro aan hun kwartfinale…
15 augustus 2016
Alida Chen reflects on the Iceland International 2016
Yesterday I played my last matches here in Iceland. The quarterfinal went really well.
31 januari 2016
Dutch international Soraya de Visch Eijbergen tumbles at the hand of Anna Thea Madsen
This afternoon's match against Anna Thea Madsen from Denmark (currently ranked 53rd in the world) rightfully was a win for the…
20 november 2015