Tag: rule

Dit is een overzicht van de meest recente artikelen met de tag 'rule'.

Mads Conrad-Petersen about new 1.15m service rule: this is insane!

Mads Conrad-Petersen about new 1.15m service rule: this is insane!

This is insane! All players above 1.80m have to change their serve radically before next week's German Open and then the biggest…

2 maart 2018

Sean Casey's open letter about the upcoming service height rule change

Sean Casey's open letter about the upcoming service height rule change

All sports inherently have advantages and disadvantages for individuals on both ends of the height spectrum. Badminton is no…

31 januari 2018

New equipment for badminton service judge not universally suitable

New equipment for badminton service judge not universally suitable

NEW SERVICE RULES = BRILLIANT ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS. Or perhaps not... This is the new equipment that the service judge will use…

29 januari 2018

Badminton drops skirts-only rule

Badminton drops skirts-only rule

Badminton's world body has abandoned plans to force women players to wear skirts, officials said, in the face of fierce…

28 mei 2012

IOC streng voor twitteraars

IOC streng voor twitteraars

Atleten die tijdens de Olympische Spelen in Londen hun belevenissen delen op sociale media, worden door het Internationaal…

12 mei 2012

badmintonline.nl op YouTube

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