Officiële aankondiging Ron Daniëls als bondscoach Vietnam

Officiële aankondiging Ron Daniëls als bondscoach Vietnam

Dit weekend is Ron Daniëls officieel aangekondigd als bondscoach van Vietnam. De media (tv, kranten en internetsites) schrijven over de noodzaak om een buitenlandse coach in te huren om het niveau te verbeteren.


Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!

Daniëls heeft inmiddels al een aantal verzoeken ontvangen voor interviews en hij heeft begrepen dat de Vietnamese badmintonfederatie zijn werk van de afgelopen twee maanden onderschrijft. Zijn harde lijn is okay bevonden.

Speelster Hong heeft onderstaande stuk geschreven over haar ervaring met de nieuwe, Nederlandse trainer.

Training with Mr Ron in Da Nang

My full name is Nguyen Thi Hong, I’m a 16 year old girl and the youngest player national team in Vietnam. I heard some bad things about Ron Daniëls from somebody before he came to the sports center in Da Nang. People said Ron did just training for small groups in Denmark and he couldn't play badminton so I didn’t understand if a coach cannot play badminton, how he could give training for players of the national team of Vietnam.

So I thought he was not a good coach before I met him. I was not looking forward to him and felt down... But all these talks were not true. The first week he learnt us many new things, new technique, tactic in badminton. All things that I have never seen before. There are many kinds of the exercises to warm up. Funny games, it is not easy and very hard but it's fun. He make us feel excited. Every exercise is not a very long time but it's very high quality, and he tells everybody how to do things better. Not just looking but very active. After training with him all players really feel tired but we are still happy and want to work with him.

Before I didn’t often train with the best player in the team. Because I'm younger and a little lower level so I feel bored. Until Ron came here, there is something different. I can now also train with best players, and all players work together.”The good players also have to work with the players that are new and not yet so good.” With Ron I get more respect more than coaches from China and Vietnam before.He gives us many theory and tactics in the training. We didn't know about that in the past here, there are a lot new things to us and it is not easy to understand but he always helps us and explains everything until we understand.

In the training he works very hard himself to, is very serious and never comes to late. All players follow and listen to him. But after training is finished he is a funny man. Everybody always smiles because of him. we can't speak English so good and sometimes it is difficult when we talk. We can only use hands and feeling to understand, so it is good that Huynh is also here. She is his assistant and she helps us for translation and training.

After we worked with him for 2 months my foot work and tecnique got better. I never think that a coach from Europe can give better and harder training than coach from China. Players hope he can stay more in Vietnam.

Kind regards

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