Badminton Denmark signs historical sponsor contract with Yonex

Badminton Denmark signs historical sponsor contract with Yonex

The giant of racquets sports Yonex Co., Ltd. engages in historical collaboration with Badminton Denmark. Today the partnership was revealed on a press briefing.


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With less than three days to the World Championships in London Badminton Denmark and the worlds leading company within badminton equipment Japanese Yonex Co., Ltd. presented the by far largest sponsorship deal within Danish Badminton ever commencing 1 September 2011.

We are proud and happy to be associated with the world's best manufacturer of badminton gear. Danish badminton stands for tradition, quality, development and innovation. These are values matching our new sponsor. We have a goal to develop badminton in Denmark and keep Denmark as one of the leading badminton nations in the world. This goal we can achieve together with Yonex Co., Ltd., says the president of Badminton Denmark, Peter Jensen and continues:

We see great possibilities with this sponsorship both in regards to the sport but also in relation to the branding effect. Yonex Co., Ltd. is a well known brand that we can benefit from and we on the other hand have some world class players and a reputation that Yonex Co., Ltd. can use in their branding.

The Japanese share the joy over the future partnership with Badminton Denmark:

Denmark has so many world class players that can match the top players of Asia. Our goal is to develop Danish badminton in collaboration with Badminton Denmark in order to bring the sport and Danish badminton another step forward not only in Denmark but also in Europe, says Shuici Yoneyama, Executive managing director of Yonex.

Imagine the World Championships in Denmark

Together with Sport Event Denmark and the municipality of Odense Yonex Co., Ltd. will turn the YONEX Denmark Open Premier into the worlds best badminton tournament. The sponsorship will have an enormous impact among other things on the prize money which will make the tournament extra attractive to the best of the world class profiles in badminton, says Peter Jensen.

Badminton Denmark and Sport Event Denmark bid for the individual BWF World Championships 2013/2014, and the new top sponsor supports the Danish bid 100%.

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