My start in Europe

My start in Europe

This year I play competition in Taarstrup Elite Badminton Club. This is a semi professional club where there is a focus on young talent together with former world elite players.


Ken je BC Grave al?

The mix in this team is very nice. We have the former world championship mix double Thomas Laybourn and national team player Kristian Midtgaard, but also two players from Indonesia and me from Vietnam.

I'm doing my elite coach education in Denmark as well and it is nice to see that I can coach somebody like Thomas Laybourn and Kristian Midtgaard. That is also the power of our team: they don't feel too good and are really interested in my view on the game. Here I'm in the best badminton education country in the world and I feel I'm one of them.

This year I hope that the Badminton World Federation will give me permission to play international tournaments. Badminton Denmark has sent in a request for that because my own country doesn't want to let me play in Europe. I will only be in Denmark for two years and would love to play tournaments now that I can.

Playing is still important to me but the education to become an elite coach is the most important. This summer I have been asked to come to Belgium to do coach education and last year I was in Holland with the VBO. This year there are already 3 weekends where I have to give coach education in Denmark and that is really a couple levels higher than what I did in Holland and Belgium.

I would like to say thanks to my mentors at the Oro summer camps. They have all been a great help with a special thanks to Aad van Zeijl en Henri Vervoort. They have taken a lot of time to sit down with me and share there know-how with me.

A couple years ago I would not even dream about the things I'm doing today. I'm learning Danish four days a week in school, I play in a team with former world champions and follow the best badminton education there is. Denmark is a dream come through.

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Huynh Nhut Duong

Huynh Nhut Duong

Huynh Nhut Duong is een Vietnamese badmintonspeelster die de opleiding tot elitecoach volgt in Denemarken. Ze verblijft daarvoor op het eiland Oro.

Bijscholingen voor badmintontrainers

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Team NL Badminton op YouTube

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