Peter Gade wordt technisch directeur en bondscoach in Frankrijk

Hey Guys! I'm very happy to bring you some great news this Saturday afternoon. On May 15th I will begin as Performance Director/National Coach for France.
I have signed a 5-year contract with the main objective of bringing badminton in France to the next level. My intention is to inspire and motivate players, management and coaches from top to bottom in setting up a long lasting structure that French badminton can benefit from for many years.
It is not gonna be easy, but for me the potential and resources are present at many levels and I look very much forward to taking up the challenge.
I've been in close contact with FFBaD for some time now and for the past months, Richard Remaud, Philippe Limouzin and Fabrice Vallet from FFBad made this possible. For me, this new challenge comes at the right time in my life and its a great opportunity for me to learn from and experience a different culture, and try to bring my visions and ideas to life in this. I can't wait to get started!
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