Koen Ridder genomineerd als kandidaat voor Athletes Commission

De zoon van oud-bondsvoorzitter Rob Ridder heeft zich kandidaat gesteld voor een positie in de spelerscommissie van de Badminton World Federation. Hij stelt zich voor.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
Dear former colleagues,
Since I quit my career last August, I found some more time to think about the sport and things I would like to improve for the athletes.
If you choose me to represent you I would like to work on the following:
- Make it easier for independent players to send entry to all the tournaments (as more and more players try to continue their career out of the national team).
- Work on more power for the players. This is only possible when we all talk and work together.
- Health and well-being during tournaments: improved player lounges, transport (hotel-venue airport-hotel; not starting match after 10PM, next day schedule should be out before 10PM.
- Athlete Commission to be more visible during tournaments and easier to contact for all athletes.
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