Selena Piek about Eefje Muskens: A decision I respect but also one that is hard to take

Hey everyone! Just got back from a short trip to Milan where I attended my very first board meeting being the chair of the athlete commission within Badminton Europe.
It went well and it was a good experience getting to know all the other board members. Everyone is very keen to work hard and to keep improving the standards and level of Badminton in Europe!
On another note, as everyone may know by now, my double partner Eefje decided to retire from playing badminton. A decision I respect but also one that is hard to take. I'm not sure what the future holds for me partner wise but I do know that I am very keen and eager to keep on playing badminton. Next up on the agenda is the Canada and US Open where I will be playing with Jacco of course.
Enjoy your Sunday!
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