Robin Tabeling opnieuw verkozen tot lid BWF Atletencommissie
Robin Tabeling is vorige week opnieuw gekozen tot lid van de Atletencommissie van de Badminton World Federation (BWF).
Dit betekent dat Tabeling samen met vijf andere leden voor de komende vier jaar de belangen van de topbadmintonners zal behartigen.
Wij feliciteren Robin met zijn nieuwe termijn als lid van de BWF Atletencommissie!
Robin Tabeling (NED)
"I have been involved in Athlete representation for a few years now as a member of the Athlete Commission of Badminton Netherlands and the official National Athletes Committee of the Netherlands. From January 2022, I will be the spokesperson for the Netherlands, on behalf of the National Athlete Committee, in meetings with the IOC and the EOC.
During the COVID outbreak I was involved in several video-calls between some players and the BWF about the situation at that time and possible solutions regarding tournaments and ranking. With all this experience I would like to ask for you vote to get elected for the BWF Athletes commission. When I talk with some of the players around the tour, we all have different opinions, different questions unanswered, but we all want the same.
To professionalize the tour even more and have the players involved in different kinds of decision making (for example the new score system, tournament planning etc.) COVID times have been different, and so has the calendar and many other aspects. But we as badminton players have to keep making our voice heard in good and bad times, because together we can have a strong voice."
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- Robin Tabeling vicevoorzitter van atletencommissie Badminton World Federation - Christ de Rooij
- Robin Tabeling opnieuw verkozen tot lid BWF Atletencommissie - Badminton Nederland
- Selena Piek about Eefje Muskens: A decision I respect but also one that is hard to take - Selena Piek
- Dutchman Koen Ridder to head Athletes Commission of the BWF - BWF
- Selena Piek gekozen voor atletencommissie van Badminton Europe - Badminton Europe