Steffi Annys: 'Thank you'

Steffi Annys: 'Thank you'

First of all I would like to say thank you to some special people: all my partners I had during my career, we have had some ups and downs but I kept going till this day.

Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!

I am very happy that I could end my career this way with good performances: mixed doubles with Floris Oleffe, we played our best games here in Baku. The discipline I like the most ladies doubles with Flore Vandenhoucke by my side we got out of our group and played a really good game in the quarter final. No medal but some very nice and some bad memories (3 racketframes broken in 4 games). It was a pleasure playing my last tournament with both of you. So now I think its a signal to go on retirement and give my body and mind a rest.

Alan McIlvain my coach for the last 6 years but also Wouter Claes and Nathalie Descamps for the sparring and coaching. I have learned a lot of you guys!! Also the people I trained with and my previous coaches I had over the past 14 years. Thank you to support, help and teach me a lot.

Badminton Vlaanderen, Bloso and BOIC to give me the opportunity to play so many tournaments and give me a chance to represent my country also the believe they showed in me. Yonex my sponsor over the past 14 years for the equipment and support.

Furthermore I would like to thank Karen Van Havere and Anja for all their treatments and for always taking good care of my body. Jeroen for the psychologic coaching. And Lander for all the programmes he made for me and for keeping me in good shape.

I would like to thank all my fans, friends, family, my boyfriend Tom Brouckxou and sponsors who supported me in the good but also the bad times I had during my life in the badminton world. I met some really nice people and made a lot of friends I hope to keep in touch with them and follow their results.

My biggest fan and support is my dad Patrick Annys who has always been there for me. Thank you for everything. I am happy that you are always by my side and that I can always count on you whatever happens. I love you dad!

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