
Crucial day for the medal favorites

Crucial day for the medal favorites

The second round of Yonex Denmark Open presented by Danisa was the last for big contenders. Homefavorit Jan O. Jorgensen moved through to the quarter finales.


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Worlds NO. 1 in women singles, Saina Nehwal, had a tough day in Denmark. An injury during the World Championships in Jakarta still had a big influence on her game. She lost to Minatsu Mitani from Japan 21-18/21-13.

"I am worried about the form that i am facing. Obviously I would be playing well if I was fit, but i am not in a good shape right now. I am at 60 per cent. That is why my movements was not good today. It started after the world championships. I had a problem with my right hip, and after that I took ten to days of break, so I have only played to and half weeks. But you cannot get back to full fitness," Saina Nehwal said after the match. On sunday she is leaving for France and the French Open.

It is second time in a row, she loses to the japanese.

"Unfortunately I had to face the japanese in this tournament again, and she is a good player who picks up everything, so it is tough to play against her, and that is what happened. I was not able to move that well. The movements were heavy. So, definitely I need to improve my fitness to get back stronger," Nehwal said.

Homeground favorit struggled in a messy match

The Malaysian super star, Lee Chong Wei, also had problems in the second round of the Superseries Premier tournament in Odense. A well playing Wei Nan from Hong Kong put a lot of pressure at Chong Wei, and in the end the player from Hong Kong got the victory 21-18 21-19.

At the late hours worlds NO. 2, Jan O. Jorgensen, faced Rumbaka from Indonesia. In three varied games the dane had problems finding his play, but with a tough fight he won 12-21 21-15 21-19.

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