Tag: germany
Dit is een overzicht van de meest recente artikelen met de tag 'germany'.
Iris Tabeling reflects on German Open performances
First tournament out of three is finished for me. I started tuesday at the German Open with mixed doubles in qualification.
3 maart 2017
Soraya de Visch Eijbergen chooses Bitburger Open 2016 for post-injury comeback campaign
After dropping another 21 places down to 149 on the world ranking and withdrawing at the last minute from the Dutch Open, Dutch…
20 oktober 2016
Iris Tabeling will play in the Belgian International
A bit less good news after our first win yesterday. Couldn't manage to get another win today as we lost 4-3 to Freystadt.
11 september 2016
Lin Dan and Li Xuerui triumph at German Open 2016
Living legend Lin Dan and Li Xuerui clinched singles titles while Korea's Ko Sung Hyun grabbed a double at the Yonex German Open…
7 maart 2016
Erik Meijs heads to Germany
Time flies. No time anymore to relax and celebrate the New Year. Tomorrow I start a period of around 12 days in Germany.
2 januari 2016
EMTC15: Denmark Reclaim Throne
Denmark regained the European Mixed Team Championships title with a one-sided victory over England at Leuven, Belgium, today.
15 februari 2015