Annual Badminton Festival in Copenhagen

The Annual Badminton Festival in Denmark is about to kick off in Copenhagen today, with the usual line up of stars enjoy a post Christmas competition in the Danish Capital. The Danish’s best players will compete against some of the rest of the world’s finest shuttlers.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
The day will start off at 7 PM local time with Peter Gade facing Eric Pang of the Netherlands. The Dane surely hopes to clinch the title again for a late 35th birthday present; The competition is being held for three days with group matches for men’s singles and semi finals onwards for the four other categories. The format of the Masters has changed with all disciplines but women’s doubles played this year while the previous editions only had 3 categories played in round robin matches.
Here are the draws for the competition:
Men’s singles
Group A:
- Peter Gade (DEN)
- Eric Pang (NED)
- Rajiv Ouseph (ENG)
Group 2:
- Jan O Jorgensen (DEN)
- Viktor Axelsen (DEN)
- Tanongsak Saensomboonsuk(THA)
Women’s singles semi finals
- Tine Baun (DEN) vs Porntip Buranaprasertsuk (THA)
- Yao Jie (NED) Vs Ratchanok Inthanon (THA)
Mixed doubles semi finals
- Nova Widianto/Vita Marissa (INA) vs Joachim Fischer-Nielsen/Christinna Pedersen (DEN)
- Thomas Laybourn/ Kamilla Rytter-Juhl (DEN) vs Sudket Prapakamol/Saralee Thounthungkam (THA)
Men’s doubles semi finals:
- Mathias Boe / Carsten Mogensen (DEN) vs Markis Kido / Nova Widianto (INA)
- Mohd Zakry Latif / Mohd Fairuzizuan Tazari (MAL) vs Rasmussen/Conrad-Pedersen (DEN)
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