Gade sets sail with a victory
Peter Gade got things started at this year's Yonex Copenhagen Masters by defeating Eric Pang from the Netherlands with 21-13 / 21-11.
Jij het nieuws, wij een tikkie!
Yonex Copenhagen Masters has been kicked off, and who else but Peter Gade should play the first rally? The audience received the two players well, especially Peter Gade, who already from the started received several of the classic "Gade!"-claps.
- The atmosphere is really intense, even though it's not a full house tonight, the crowd is great. There is no doubt that my motivation is really good when I'm on the court. I want to do well, and I played okay today. Sometimes Pang got a bit into the game, but I was able to close him off, and I'm pretty happy about this start, says Peter Gade after his victory.
Ready for Ouseph
Tomorrow, Peter Gade is set to meet Rajiv Ouseph from England. A match Gade looks forward to, where he is not afraid to accept his role as favorite.
- I was expected to win, and I know that if I played at my normal level, then I would have a very good chance of winning. Tomorrow, it's against Rajiv Ouseph. He's a better player, and he's quite strong, although if I play at my normal level, like today, I should have a good chance of winning, Peter Gade continues.
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