Jorgensen: 'I can't wait to enter the court'

Jorgensen: 'I can't wait to enter the court'

Jan Ø. Jørgensen is one of Europe's absolute best men’s singles shuttler . The Dane, who is ranked number 13 in the world rankings, is considered to be Europe's hot shot after his compatriot Peter Gade retires. We spoke to the 24 year-old about his preparations for the London Olympics.


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BADMINTON EUROPE: Jan, what are your feelings considering it’s your first ever Olympics?

Jan Ø. Jørgensen: I have a good feeling. I think I have prepared in the best possible way meeting some bumps here and there but in general I feel ready and excited about my first Olympics! I actually can’t wait to get started!

BADMINTON EUROPE: What are you most looking forward to, except the badminton matches?

Jørgensen: As you say the biggest thing is going to be competing at the Olympics. I can’t wait to enter the court and get the special feeling of pressure, excitement and honor. It’s going to be awesome. But i also look forward to see everything and soak in all the expressions - and off course being part of the Danish setup.

BADMINTON EUROPE: You had a tough time in 2011, but your recent results were really good. What gives you the power, the motivation to achieve these results?

Jørgensen: Everything what has happened the last year has shaped me a lot. Right now, I’m moving be the sentence saying that you have to go down in order to get stronger. Qualifying and playing at the Olympics means a lot to me as you look what I’ve been through the last year.

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